The company that owns of Chidliak is called Peregrine Diamonds.
The market price of Peregrine Diamonds, currently sits at US$45 million.
The company sits on a current inferred resource with an estimated insitu value of US$1.7 billion.
that value is only a near surface 3.3 million tonnes.
It is on the verge of increasing that amount substantially with a bulk sample that will be processed over the next few months and some more core drilling during the summer season.
That could lead to an insitu value of up to US$3.9 billion.
The 3.3 millions of CH-6, could increase to 5.3 million tonnes.
CH-7 is the whole point of the bulk sample program. If it comes up with values of US$200 values, that could add another 6 million tonnes at 1 cpt at US1.2 billion.
Together that adds to a resource of US3.9 billion.
The company has the potential to add $2.2 billion more value to the project...which is about 50X current market capitalization.
There are a few ways to invest in this company and project -- How to invest in Chidliak?
The risk/reward at this point is staggering.
The company has also added a Botswana project. Not sure what they will find...but it will make the companies brand and name more widespread.
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